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抗疫路上无国界 加拿大华人联盟捐赠物资给医院


抗疫路上无国界 爱在延续 - Disease knows no borders, neither does our effort Canadian Chinese Alliance’s fight against Covid-19 continues

加拿大华人联盟(前 加油武汉-加拿大联盟)捐赠物资给医院




      3月28日至31日,加拿大华人联盟和加拿大华人同乡会联合总会共同为Sunny brook Hospital、North York Hospital、Mackenzie Health、Markham Stouffville Hospital、Michael Garron Hospital、scarborough general hospital 、Toronto Paramedics、Markhaven Home for Seniors捐赠了隔离服4750件,鞋套24000只,医用口罩5100只,N95口罩1100个,医用手套16000只,面罩3000个,总计价值5.5万加币。


Founded during the peak of the epidemic in China, the Canadian Chinese Alliance set out to raise funds and send medical supplies to Chinese hospitals most overwhelmed by Covid-19.

 With the help and support of community leaders, volunteers, and generous donors, the Alliance sent 10 batches of medical supplies totalling 3.5 tonne and valuing at over $300,000 CAD to the frontlines of the fight against Covid-19 in China over the span of 7 weeks. This achievement showed the solidarity, compassion, and generosity of the Chinese Canadian community.

Now, as fight against the virus moves from China to the rest of the world, the Canadian Chinese Alliance also began to change its focus to the Canadian healthcare system. The Alliance began raising funds and sending supplies to Canadian hospitals and healthcare facilities.  From March 28th to March 31st, the Alliance has donated over medical supplies valuing over $55,000 to Sunny brook Hospital, North York Hospital, Mackenzie Health, Markham Stouffville Hospital, Michael Garron Hospital, Scarborough General Hospital, Toronto Paramedics, Markhaven Home for Seniors. This batch of supplies included: 4,750 medical gowns, 24,000 shoe covers, 5,100 medical masks, 1,100 N95 masks, 16,000 medical gloves, and 3,000 face shields.

 As the virus takes more toll in Canada, the Canadian Chinese Alliance will keep working to help those fighting in the front lines. As the disease knows no borders, neither does our effort. We are all in this fight together.








Support Wuhan Canadian Alliance Proposal


With the recent outbreak of the coronavirus in Wuhan, emergency medical supplies has hit critical lows. The sufferings at home have pulled the hearts of millions of Chinese abroad.

One in trouble , all to help .  Unity is strength. Support Wuhan Canadian alliance is calling for all Chinese Canadians and Chinese citizens abroad to participate in the relief efforts to the doctors, nurses, and all those fighting in Hubei province through the donation of medical and other emergency supplies.


Our world stands united in the face of this epidemic.


The first shipment of relief supplies will be distributed locally by Wuhan federation of returned overseas Chinese. Canadian logistics company has pledged full support, and all supplies received within 24 hours. Border customs has also granted express green channels, ensuring the donated supplies will reach medical professionals in Wuhan ASAP.




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